I love reading Chocolate-Covered Katie's blog - she has so many amazing healthy eating ideas that don't skimp on the indulgence factor (or the chocolate!) and when I saw her Voluminous Oatmeal Trick, I had to try it. I love my Overnight Oats and they do fill me up, but the thought of making a huge portion of soft, pillowy, puddingy oats out of exactly the same ingredients sounded too good to be true!
So I followed the instructions (using 30g of oats and wheatbran, 10g of Waitrose date and coconut porridge, 100ml of Kara coconut milk and 300ml of water) and put the oats into the microwave for four and a half minutes. Then I left them in the microwave for a further five minutes, and excitedly opened the door...only to be greeted by the most unholy mess you can possibly imagine! Yep, I should have kept an eye on it! Oh well, the microwave needed a clean anyway!
So for take two, I watched the microwave like a hawk...
...and cooked it for 3:20, until it looked like most of the water had been absorbed. Here's the resulting still-slightly-watery oaty mess (safely contained in its Pyrex jug this time).
It's gone into the fridge and I'll see what it's like in the morning!